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We welcome you to join us for a weekly prayer call.

1st and 3rd Wednesday Monthly

6:00 AM EST

Call: 602-580-9844 Access# 4647108

Prayer is legislating heaven on earth.” - ICM Founder, Shaylon Ware

“I have built a house of habitation for the Lord.” Psalm 6:2

Words from Our Founder

Each day remind yourself of your identity. Repeat words of affirmation and let them become the truth of  your very being.

The emphasis of the remnant rising to revitalize the church through the teaching and obedience to the gospel, demonstrating the power of the holy ghost through confirming signs and mobilizing the great commission through the operation of the ascension gifts of Jesus Christ, is the call to which I have answered, “Yes, send me I’ll go.”

I am born of God.

I am loved.

I am redeemed. 

I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

I am wealthy, healthy and whole. 

I am free.

I am a joint heir with Christ.

I am exceptional.

I am forgiven.

I am a royal priesthood.

I am chosen.

Thank you for your continued support of ICM International, Inc. We are here to serve in the world for the good of God’s Kingdom.

-Shaylon Ware, Founder and CEO 


Faith and Development

Emergency Aid

Economic Development

Community and Development

Counseling and Advocacy

words from the heart


Life changing experience! Shay Ware has a heart for people of all ages, colors, genders…you name it! God has truly favored her and given her wisdom that will impact your life. Give ICM International Inc. a chance and watch your life be transformed.

-Victoria Jackson


Transformation, love, healings, signs, miracles and wonders are just a few blessings I’ve witnessed first hand after my experience with ICM International. This ministry is amazing, authentic and saturated in the holy spirit.

-Tiara Marie Harris

ICM is an incredible organization. I have become more spiritually aware, my connection with God has never been this close. The leadership is genuine and authentic. Through ICM, I discovered how I can contribute to this world and people.

-Dena Reddix

I highly recommend the ICM classes. Ive been to them personally and learned so much.

-Jalen Wilson

Broken and lost, from hopeless to hopeful; Shaylon loved me until I started loving myself. I now apply the tools she taught me. Because of ICM, I am more confident. Thank you!

-Marsha Hays


ICM International Inc.
996 Maine Ave SW, #417
Washington, DC 20024
