your contributions matter

Ways to Donate
Become a VolunteerMake a Donation
we serve all over the world

Watch as We Minister in Ghana, West Africa

Your contributions help us to continue our commitment to building our youth and building God’s Kingdom. Thank you. 

Many are Called but Few are Chosen.

every dollar counts
01. Financial Contribution

Your tax deductible contribution gives access to opportunity and quality of life that might not otherwise be an option for those we serve in the U.S. and foreign countries. ICM International honors the word of God with integrity. Every partnership results in a life being changed and the gospel being spread across the world.

each one, reach one
02. Sponsorship

Your faithful giving ensures that ICM or one of our community partners will supply those in need with essential services or supplies. Criteria of conditions are (a) dietary (b) hygienic (c) personal care & clothing (d) training materials.

HELP Provide Necessities

03. Meet Critical Needs

Please assist us in providing shelter, medical care, emotional or spiritual support. In the time of emergency, ICM can assist with aid and relief. Your help in this area allows for effective intervention.

support scholarships and development
04. Develop a Future Leader

Empower a leader by giving toward their development and training advancement. ICM International scholarship supports the academic milestones, pursuits and achievements of our participants.

make a great purchase
05. Shop Our Store

All proceeds from the Identity store apply toward operational costs, goods and services for those we serve.

06. Volunteer

We are better together! Your gift of time in any capacity enables ICM International to expand our reach, maximizing our impact near and far for the glory of God.


ICM International Inc.
996 Maine Ave SW, #417
Washington, DC 20024
